What are the longer and shorter hours of fasting around the world???
Argentina 9 hours and 30 minutes shorter the world because it is located
In the southern point of the continent of South America
Australia only 10 hours because it is located south of the Earth
South Africa 10 hours and 30 minutes
Brazil 11 hours
Kenya 12 hours
Mexico 13 hours and 20 minutes
Morocco 14 hours
China 14 hours
Greece 14 hours and 30 minutes
Japan 14 hours and 30 minutes
France 16 hours
Saudi Arabia 16 hours
England, 16 hours and 30 minutes
Egypt 16 hours and 30 minutes
Germany 16 hours and 30 minutes
Canada 18 hours
Netherlands 18 hours and 30 minutes
Iceland 20 hours and 20 minutes
Denmark's longest 21-hour fasting hours
سبحان الله العلى العظيم
ReplyDeleteسبحان الله العظيم
ReplyDeleteلكن من كان الوقت طويل كان الحرارة قليلة
ومن كان وقته قصير كان درجات الحرارة عالية جدا
يعني فيه توازن طبيعي مع قدرة تحمل الجسم
والصيام هو مرضاة للرب وقوة للبدن بعد تنظيفه من كل السموم والاوجاع
الحمد لله على نعمة الاسلام