Monday, 11 July 2011

3D Printer

 3D  ZPrinter 650

The ZPrinter 650 is the newest 3D color printer to come from ZCorp. This system builds parts from the bottom up using a plastic based powder and binder fluid. The binder can be colored to create an infinite array of color possibilities when printing parts

The ZPrinter 650 can build parts up to 10in x 15in x 8in (254 x 381 x 203mm) and as thin as 0.0035 to 0.004 inches (0.089 to 0.102mm). The ZPrinter has a color resolution of 600 x 540 dpi and can accept STL, VRML and 3DS file formats, although VRML (.wrl) and 3DS (.3ds) are needed for color printing. To ensure your model's color comes out right please speak with one of our staff about coloring your model in Zcorps custom ZEdit software

Cost varies greatly based on size and ink used. We can provide accurate estimates prior to printing. We can also apply post-processor binder/sealant for an additional $4.00/ of surface area. Post processing provides stronger, more durable models and really helps bring out the color in your models

بالفـيـديـو والصــور  : طابعة ثلاثية الابعاد إبداااااع 

أخر ما توصلت إليه التكنولوجيا , طابعة ثلاثية الأبعاد تعمل بتقنية المسح الضوئي من جميع الجهات لأي مجسم ترغب بطباعته ومن ثم بنوعية معينة خاصة يتم طباعة وإستنساخ النموذج الذي تم مسحه وبالألــــــــــــوان .... " علم الإنسان ما لم يعلم " 

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