Thursday, 11 October 2012

In France everything is different bees produce honey, blue and green color

Bees are a sign of God on earth, it is in terms of producing a wonderful miracle healing bee Kaasl and organization and way of life, but harmful human intervention always led to this wonderful blessing pigmentation in shades of blue and green.
Surprised jam honey bees village Rabivel County Alsace in northern France that product Honey New Blue and green color, they did not find any explanation or justification is suitable for this phenomenon anomalous and research and investigation shows that this is due to the fed bees found in the region on the remnants of biogas and a subsidiary of the March produces candy M & M's famous red and blue colors, brown and yellow.

Of course anger beekeepers of this matter Valesl colored doomed penalty because it is not valid for sale and human consumption, causing crises considerable material for producers and traders bees who Ienon basis of deficit and a huge lack in how production due to the death of large numbers of bees.
وتحاول شركة مارس الان التغلب على هذه المشكلة وتعويض التجار كما قاموا بتمشيط وتنظيف المنظقة من مخلفات الغاز العضوى والتى كانت سبب المشكلة الرئيسى فى الاساس .
France is one of the largest honey producers in the European Union, where it produces about 18.330 tons of honey a year

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