Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Otter Rescue Mission

Otter Rescue Mission

Otter is a personal disaster relief backpack that can be used in both wet (floods) and dry (earthquakes) emergencies. The pack fits in supplies and consists of two quick-sealing storages and a deployable life vest. The highlight here is that you can safely seal in some valuables like documents, jewelry or cash. It may not be in your best interest to actually delay evacuation in order to fill in some valuables, but if things are on the way out, it won’t hurt to stash them in the pack. In the aftermath, your personal belongings can go a long way in keeping the morale up!

Benson explains, “The entire product is designed as a floatation device and helps position the victims like a backward swimming sea otter, while keeping their heads out of the water in case of a flood. Otter also allows clustering of victims together to prevent them from drifting away, helping rescuers to spot them easily

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