Thursday, 14 April 2011

Chinese Baby

طفل صيني عمره ثلاث سنوات ولكن .... وزنــه 60 كيلو جرام
The three-year-old baby who weighs 60kg

A three-year-old toddler from China already tips the scales at 60kg (132lbs), making him five times the size of a normal child his age.
When Lu Hao was born he weighed just 2.6kg (5.7 lbs.); however, from the time he was three months old he began to gain weight rapidly.
"His appetite is so good that for a meal he can eat 3 big bowls of rice, even larger than I and his mother," said Hao's father Lu Yuncheng.
Since Hao was one-year-old his parents have tried to keep a careful eye on his diet.
However, Hao's mother Chen Yuan said: "We have to let him be as if we don't feed him he will cry nonstop".
No matter how hard the family restricts Hao's diet and pushes him to move more the toddler has still managed to put on 10kg (22 lbs)

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طفل صيني يبلغ من العمر ثلاث سنوات ولكن المدهش في الموضوع أن وزنه يبلغ ( 60 ) كيلو جرام أي أن وزنه خمس أضعاف وزن الأطفال الذين هم في سنه  , مع العلم أن وزنه كان عند ولادته 2,6 كيلو جرام فقط , ولكن عند بلوغه الثلاث شهور الأولى بدأ وزنه بالزيادة بشكل ملحوظ وغريب حتى وصل وزنه إلى هذا الشكل , ويأكل الطفل الصيني ثلاث أضعاف الإنسان العادي, ويبحثان والدان هذا الطفل عن طبيب لتفسير حالته ...

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